Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mama Tatara on the blog

This blog is a baby to a blogging world. Mama Tatara blog would be a journal of a simple mother who has to juggle her life between work, family and studies. 
In this very first entry, let me tell you how would people around me describe myself:
My significant other: "unreliable CFO of the family"
My talkative 8-year old daughter, Qistina: "mama knows best" (she learn this from the movie Rapunzel)
My obedient 7-year old son, Irfan: "mama is the best"
My lovely 2-year old daughter, Qaisara: "sayang adik"
Friends: "she's in her own world".
My live revolves around family, frens and colleagues. But I guess you will see more of my family in here. Here are some photos.

Papa, Qaisara,  Qistina n Irfan at the Broga Hill

My kids: Irfan, Qistina n  Qaisara

The love of my life

Whew! I am hereby declaring myself a blogger.


  1. I guess this would be a massive inside story of your family. Are you really want to be transparent and like to open to public scrutiny???

    Anyway, keep updating. Like the photos....

  2. mhn, i wud like to share my experiences with other mothers out there. It's all about parenting experiences, kids and kids frenly places to visit.

    Thank you for being the first follower. I will keep updating. There will be more photos.

  3. mama tatara..
    so enjoy reading your blog la...
    and looking at those beautiful pictures that you've posted, makes me so envy with you.. :)

    keep updating ya!!!!
